Deciding whether or not you want to come to Palm Springs in October?
Here three good reasons why it is a good idea to make reservations for your trip:
1. The weather, more than likely, will be terrific.
2. Modernism Fall Preview Week is October 17 – 20, 2019.
3. October is a month of renewal here. Restaurants have revamped their menus, and store owners open their doors with an array of new products.
In truth, we consider it the beginning of the tourism season in our lovely communities. Check Palm Springs Life Magazine event schedule. You will see many of the activities throughout the Coachella Valley have no cost attached to them.
Modernism Fall Preview Week
If you haven’t heard, February 13 – 23, 2020, dates are set for Modernism Week. Yes, I know that is ten days, but who am I to quibble with a name, when it serves as a fabulous marketing tool for this outstanding event.
Over 100,000 people from all over the world came to Coachella Valley last year. They came to learn, look, and receive inspiration from the many scholars, open houses, and tours which permeate throughout our communities. Last year, there were 320 events.
So if you are not into large crowds, I highly suggest you hop over to the Modernism Week website and seek out tickets for a visit in October instead. This is a scaled-back version of Modernism Week.
My suggestion would be to get tickets for the tour on the open-air, double-decker bus. The tour is usually about 2.5 hours and lead by extremely knowledgeable volunteers. You will receive a terrific overview of the residential and commercial buildings, in Palm Springs, which stand as a beacon for the architectural called “Modernism.”

Note, I said, “Open Air.” So bring your sunscreen and a hat. If you are going early in the morning or late at night, you might want to bring a jacket. Reminder, a refillable water bottle is pretty much a “must-have” staple for any visit to Palm Springs.
I’d like to say, you can make up your mind what you would like to see close up after the tour. Alas, the tickets for the popular places pretty much will be sold out for Preview Week. However, if you plan to come back in February, you still may have a chance to get tickets for even the most popular destinations and lectures.

Oh, I forgot to mention, there are some opportunities to attend some great cocktail parties at some of the homes, which are typically not accessible to the public. Remember, we are a town where Old Hollywood came to play. You can and get a glimpse of the homes where they lived and played.
So head over to the Modernism website, check the event list, and sign up for something that piques your interest. You will not be disappointed.
Kathy Condon is a freelance travel writer and blogger. She is the Founder of the Palm Springs Insider Guide Her book It Doesn’t Hurt to Ask: It’s All About Communication was named Best Book Finalist By USA Book News Kathy@kathycondon.net
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